Best Season of All | Teen Ink

Best Season of All

January 18, 2017
By Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
Shyanne.Kayee SILVER, Decatur, Illinois
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter Spring Summer Fall which do you like best of all
Winter is the most wonderful time of the year
It's all about the holiday cheer
But Summer is the best of all
You chill by the pool
Just to keep yourself cool
Feeling the sand between your toes
Shades come on
You see that's why Summer is best of all
Winter is always bitter cold
Some pack their boots to make a snowman
Then put on his carrot nose
I still think summer is best of all I suppose
Summer nights light up the sky
With starry skies
Just to let the time fly by
You see this is why summer is the best of all

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