One Foot at a Time | Teen Ink

One Foot at a Time

April 26, 2017
By Skunshine BRONZE, Clarence Creek, Ontario
Skunshine BRONZE, Clarence Creek, Ontario
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One foot at a time

Every step thud

Existence on my mind

What is existence if not blood

Existence on each line.

My existence is only existent in my mind

Approach the cross walk 

One foot at a time

Existence not alive

Perspective caused the crime

Two step back

Panic. React

Shake my head: disbelieve

Confusion, guaranteed

Speed away, no choice, flee

Perspective of my existence

Unaware by most: distance

Another mountain to climb

One foot at a time.

The author's comments:

As I go for a walk, I am contemplating the intricacies of my own existence when I almost get hit by a car. I am deeply bothered by this, and this incident continues to reveal how insignificant I really am to the world.  I felt that this experience and the ideas that I introduced connect well together. Because of this, I wanted to connect my words together with a rhythmic approach. I took this approach to make my poem to make the story seem attached; apart of the bigger picture. As if this incident was meant to happen.

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