Man's Companion | Teen Ink

Man's Companion

December 6, 2017
By Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's true when the adults say you can never have nothing
There’s always something with you
And that thing knows only true
That thing will always be home, always trusting

Whether boy or girl, small or large
This thing will never leave your side
They’ll always be waiting for you inside
This thing will always be ready for you take charge

This thing is what humans know as ‘man’s best friend’
A dog is a man’s companion forever and ever
They’ll always be with you wherever
It's true to say they’ll be with you until the end

When it's time to rest after a long day of work,
Coming home to my baby is the best
She makes me forget all the rest
She’ll look up at him and like all dogs do, ‘bork’

She knows her purpose just as I do
She’s there when I need a hug
Or when just when we both want to play tug
I know she’ll never let me down because we’re stuck together like glue

She may be tiny, but don’t like that fool you
She’s got teeth that can pierce the skin
But that won’t happen, unless you break-in
She’ll always be there to protect me through and through

She’s a doberman, but she’s small
She loves to run and play
And she’s there to greet me everyday
She’s my good girl, she’ll be there when you call

Yeah, she’s my baby, you’ve got that right
I love her with all my heart
I’ve loved her from the start
Oh yeah, I love her, but do watch out for that dog-bite

The author's comments:

This poem is about my dog, Mia, I was thinking about her during school and wanted to write this

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