What If | Teen Ink

What If

December 8, 2017
By JadaMV BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
JadaMV BRONZE, Toledo, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What if I told you I'm not okay. I mean
when I stumble and fall, I say I'm fine.

But why?
To mask the tears?
To prove I'm tough?
I say I'm fine to mask away the embarrassment,
the clumsiness,and how ashamed I feel.

What if I told you I laugh it off on the outside,
laugh to seem like nothing is wrong,
but when I'm alone I weakly sob.
I think about what I could've done to
prevent this from happening.

What if I told you all my struggles and pains?

What if I told you it is hard to fit in a big society
of people I barely share a special bond with.

What if I told you I hate it when people ask if I'm okay
even if I'm bleeding right in front of you.

What if I asked are you if you are okay?

Would you say you're fine like any other people

would you express how you feel. Judgement
comes throughout life.

Why do we laugh off our embarrassment?

The author's comments:

Be sure to speak how you feel!

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