5 Gleaming Suns | Teen Ink

5 Gleaming Suns

May 8, 2018
By ellieartone GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ellieartone GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who have stood by me. I am the only one who has stood by them. Five gleaming suns with passionate souls and a fiery temper. Five who are few of the million in our world. Five scorching balloons made of clouds of dust and gas. From our window, we can see them, but we only ever appreciate them when the sky is covered in clouds and the ground is cloaked in snow.

Their courage is secret. They bring with them rosy shoulders and a multitude of freckles. They go up in the morning and they go down at night and heat the earth with their strong presence and illuminate the sky with bright smiles and never quit their fury. This is how they glow.

Let one lose his light for a second, they’d all continue to burn, each with their hands clasped together. Stay, stay, stay they scream when I leave. They endure.

When I am too cold and the world seems too dark, when I am a small speck against miles of clouds, then it is I look at my suns. When there is nothing left to illuminate my sky. Five who send warmth despite being millions of miles away. Five who shine and do not forget to shine. Five whose only reason is to light up my everyday.

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