Semester Change | Teen Ink

Semester Change

May 14, 2018
By IsaiahW SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
IsaiahW SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Possibly I caught it from
a well used desk.

This ever growing
swordlike Superbug.

It makes me dizzy
with unrelenting fear.

It would often make me distracted from
my teacher’s words -much more than
that in reality- but after a
awhile, I grew up a short lived

immunity. I was sure as I grew in age, that it
would become dormant- that I would build up a permanent
resilience to the fear of an ever changing environment- I thought I was stronger, and
that I should be able to fight it down each time with ease. This thought

may have given me confidence; instilling
optimism, but it would only greatened
my frustration when it would again
mutate: introducing a new unrecognizable strain.

It continues to
ail my mind

but at least I can hope for the
freedom that comes

soon when I become
accustomed to it once again

besides it’s persistent

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