Music Is Magic | Teen Ink

Music Is Magic

May 22, 2018
By AvaBear BRONZE, Coconut Creek FL, Florida
AvaBear BRONZE, Coconut Creek FL, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Inside this second world there’s a place for everyone
It’s there when you need it, it’s there when you know you need it

There’s one for every mood
Emotion calls out
You need music to help cope with everything

There when you need to hear it
There when you can’t deal
Music is there to calm you

A distraction from life
A second world
A new beginning

A way to relate
A way to correlate
A way to express what you can’t yourself

Close you eyes and image this
You are the artist
You are this
You are bliss

Once the last song ends for my packed playlist
I open my eyes and I see
My life
My reality

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