The Debt of the Angels | Teen Ink

The Debt of the Angels

June 8, 2018
By RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
RamenApocalypse SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Someone needs to tell the truth, but it shouldn't be my job.-Thom Yorke

I believe that everyone is a fallen angel

In one way or another

Sent out of the sky

Given life on Earth to repent

For their crimes in heaven

Some are so good on Earth you wonder why they were ever sent out

But others

Others know exactly what they did.

But most people are in the middle

And I believe that the very good and bad ones are the lucky ones

Because at least they know if they’ll go home to heaven in the end

Angels in the middle wake up at night

Wondering if they’ll ever be forgiven for their last fight

Beauty comes from the inside

On the inside, there is a flawed duality

Sin is bad, yet in order to be truly good we can’t be clean of it

Beauty comes at a price

And it haunts every fallen angel on Earth

And it’s the reason behind most kindness

Why you are called “sir” and “ma’am”

Why you say “please” and thank you”

But those who aren’t motivated by dread and heaven

Those who act kind purely because of their hearts

Why, you wonder why they were sent out of heaven in the first place

The author's comments:

This is kind of a philosophy I have and think about a lot. Hope you enjoy it.

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