Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

One Step MAG
By MayaElyashiv PLATINUM
Ramat Hasharon, Other

This dream of mine It's so defined As if it's painted on my hand a map of uncharted lands … But the first step It's what has kept Me away
MayaElyashiv PLATINUM, Ramat Hasharon, Other
37 articles 4 photos 193 comments

By Secret_Love_Tells GOLD
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Secret_Love_Tells GOLD, Harrisonburg, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love you more than the sun loves the sky and the moon loves the stars" --my best friend
"Do it for love." --sark
"One does not succeed in never falling but in getting back up evertime they do so."- Confucius

...PensiveGurl... PLATINUM, Aurora, Colorado
20 articles 0 photos 267 comments

Favorite Quote:
You get ideas from daydreaming. You get ideas from being bored. You get ideas all the time. The only difference between writers and other people is we notice when we're doing it- Neil Gaiman.
Who are you to be who you are?-Le'Na Pernell

By Bianca Mercadante BRONZE
Lorraine, Other
Bianca Mercadante BRONZE, Lorraine, Other
1 article 0 photos 5 comments
By Autumn126 BRONZE
Sleepy Hollow, Illinois
Autumn126 BRONZE, Sleepy Hollow, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am who I am. Your approval is not needed

By kimmycakes GOLD
Monrovia, California
kimmycakes GOLD, Monrovia, California
14 articles 0 photos 25 comments

Favorite Quote:
"never let love bring u down" also "and so the lion fell in love with the lamb"

strawberry_autumn BRONZE, Keller, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Am I or the others crazy?"

-Albert Einstein

By AbbotRabbit GOLD
Abolana, District Of Columbia
AbbotRabbit GOLD, Abolana, District Of Columbia
11 articles 0 photos 1028 comments

Favorite Quote:
This poem has great flow and insight.
I really enjoyed it.
Lovely poem darling =]
-Please check out the works that I have posted on here it would be highly appreciated and I think you would greatly enjoy them, Thankk youz-
XxIll tell you Im an orphan after you meet myy familyXx

Ellsworth, Maine
XOXOhaloXOXO GOLD, Ellsworth, Maine
13 articles 1 photo 63 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm the author of my life and, unfortunately, I'm writing in pen=]

Theconfused,thecrazy,theoneinlove BRONZE, Ridgefield, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Well I'm just crazy about.....well hey I'm just crazy....Ha Ha Ha" Harley Quinn