Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By laurensoccer SILVER
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida

It sat there on the table, With its yellow raincoat Tucked around its sour, yellow vest It's an extroverted character Like a sailor proudly flaunting His gold teeth and anchor...
laurensoccer SILVER, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 67 comments

loveissmiles GOLD, Lynn, Indiana
13 articles 0 photos 102 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I live for the nights I can't remember with the people I will never forget." -Carassisa M-<3

"What the mind can perceive, the body can achieve." -Softball Coach Steve B-

By marissadele PLATINUM
Danbury, Connecticut
marissadele PLATINUM, Danbury, Connecticut
20 articles 3 photos 388 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you know how you feel, and so clearly what you need to say, you'll know it. I don't think you should wait. I think you should speak now." -Taylor Swift

By orangeforhope BRONZE
Louisville, Kentucky
orangeforhope BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 3 comments
applesauceHater SILVER, Nikolaevsk, Alaska
8 articles 0 photos 124 comments
By applesauceHater SILVER
Nikolaevsk, Alaska
applesauceHater SILVER, Nikolaevsk, Alaska
8 articles 0 photos 124 comments
amandaleigh2014 BRONZE, Greene, Maine
2 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Monsters are real. Ghosts are real, too. They live inside of us, and sometimes, they win." -Stephen King

By Anonymous
By Anonymous_7 SILVER
Branson, Missouri
Anonymous_7 SILVER, Branson, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 118 comments

Favorite Quote:
-The only time you can get away with murder is when writing a book!

By dezzy_13 BRONZE
Tucson, Arizona
dezzy_13 BRONZE, Tucson, Arizona
4 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Having a talent isn't about being good at it, it's what you do with it that matters the most."
