Softball | Teen Ink


May 3, 2024
By Softballbri23 BRONZE, Carson, California
Softballbri23 BRONZE, Carson, California
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

5 A sunny morning 

7 A beautiful softball field 

5 and ready to win 


5 softball metal cleats

7 uniforms are black and green 

5 and hair in a braid

5 at the batter's box 

7 hoping the ball is perfect 

5 getting a homerun 

5 going on defense 

7 plays first base and got some outs 

5 then goes back to bat 

5  the game is over 

7 we won and went to go talk 

5 ready for game two

5 after the first game 

7 we went to go celebrate 

5 we had a buffet 

5 ready for game two

7 umpire tells us game on

5 and we win again 

5 going up to bat

7 getting ready for the pitch

5 pitcher threw a ball 

5 running to first base 

7 then leading off to second 

5 making it to third 

5 at softball practice 

7 we were practicing on bunts

5 so we can be good 

The author's comments:

i am a softball player and as i was writing this Haiku a lot of softball things had came to my head when i was writing.

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