Stronger Now | Teen Ink

Stronger Now

February 8, 2019
By Anonymous

I don’t want to tell you how to feel,

But I also want to be behind the wheel.

Please don’t tell me it’ll be okay,

When I know you’re not here to stay.

I am a victim, but I so much stronger now.

Yet the tears still come somehow.

What he did to me was not right,

So could you stay with me tonight?

Hugs and prayers are just what I need,

But please don’t say “I’m sorry”, that’s all I plead.

I hope for the best, but I expect the worse.

Whenever I see him, I’ll write another verse.

I was only seven, how dare he make my life this way.

They always tell me it will get better today.

I don’t know why he took so much from me.

I am a victim, and that’s how my life will be.

The author's comments:

This piece I wrote a long time ago to help me get through my life after this happened. 

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