The Wood In The Woods | Teen Ink

The Wood In The Woods

February 14, 2019
By bcanty0429 BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
bcanty0429 BRONZE, Hendersonville, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Oh my!

Oh me! 

The woods is the last place I'd want to be!

Then one day, 

I decided to go, 

What was in there, 

Nobody knows. 

Then I got to the middle,

Then stopped in my tracks, 

Right in front of me,

Was a wood stack!

I ran home, 

Thinking, "that was creepy!"

When I got home, 

I was TOO  sleepy!

So I went to bed, 

And in my mind stood, 

A big, humongous pile

Of stacked wood!

The author's comments:

I am 12, and I have always loved making poetry!

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