Limerick | Teen Ink


June 23, 2020
By BluePineapple BRONZE, Houston, Texas
BluePineapple BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm not sure if this is supposed to be from me or something personal to me, so I'll do both-
"There are no happy endings/endings are the saddest part/ so give me a happy middle/ and a very happy start"- Shel Silverstein
And my own, less eloquent quote- "If you've gotten this far, you might as live through the rest of it too."

There once was a man with no eyes (but with a nose)

Who went out and picked a rose

And others pointed in glee

Because of the point of a flower he couldn’t see

And created many verbal blows

And his sniffs they thought were his cries

But he kept the rose, to their surprise

 the sniff was all in pretense

Because beauty isn’t only in one sense

There are lovely things that don’t require eyes.

The author's comments:

Idk. I was trying to remember an old poem but ended up writing my own instead.

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