For the Love of the Derby | Teen Ink

For the Love of the Derby

May 2, 2016
By med2704 BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
med2704 BRONZE, Emporia, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Floppy hats for miles and miles,
Showing off the Southerners’ styles,
Feathers for when you feel a little wild,
Just make sure to keep your dress mild,
Wearing big ol’ bows and tons of tulle,
Vineyard Vines for wallets more full,
Flowers on top if you desire to be classy,
A brighter color for a girl who is sassy,
The bigger the hat, the closer to God,
So this tradition is far from odd,
Hats for luck or hats for style?
They say that the outfits are truly the trial,
Churchill Downs is a beautiful place,
Packed with people waiting on the race,
Socializing with mint Juleps in hand,
Not a better celebration in any other land,
American Pharaoh or Mr. Z,
Dortmund or Materiality?
The horses are an important part,
But the prettiest hat is the key to my heart!

The author's comments:

I have always wanted to go to the Kentucky Derby, so that is what inspired me to write this piece.

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