Fairytale Wonderland | Teen Ink

Fairytale Wonderland MAG

March 28, 2010
By stxroo BRONZE, Las Pinas, South Carolina
stxroo BRONZE, Las Pinas, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Too fast to live, too young to die.

Falling like Alice
Wonderland in bliss
White rabbit's too fast
Caught in a trance
Will you dance?
Will you dance?
Feet tangled
Golden thread strangles
Heart's too heavy
Night's so dreary
What's the use of a slow song
If the hand I was holding
Isn't yours?
I close my eyes
Enter a land of dreamland fairy tales
Of castles and fairies
People with kaleidoscope scales
Masquerade's a mystery
Knowing that you're here with me
Like a maze
I'm lost in a daze
The girl with her heart thrown and broken
Too used and was darkened
In a shade of red
Like a boulevard of a thousand sunsets
I take a hand
With a hopeful wish
My eyes are closed, but I feel the warmth
Hands in a tight band
I open my eyes, and I feel the whispers
Of that dreamland fairytale
Light, fading and frail
Taking me back on a sail
On that boulevard with a thousand sunsets
A smile under the mask, I bet
Is my dreamland fairytale's
Magical talent

The author's comments:
Prom night and a heartbreak. A lost soul in a sea of people with colorful hopes and friendly faces. It's about a girl who's in a masquerade party, she knows he's there, but because of the masks, she doesn't know how to tell him apart from all the other boys in there.

The poem is a metaphor. It's about dreaming, losing and finding love at all the right places in which at the end, you'll eventually get your fairytale ending.

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This article has 9 comments.

on May. 7 2014 at 2:56 pm
teen-writer BRONZE, Adrian, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
fear doesn't shut you down, it wakes you up.

DUDE!! this is SO good!!keep writing

stxroo BRONZE said...
on Sep. 17 2011 at 10:52 am
stxroo BRONZE, Las Pinas, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Too fast to live, too young to die.

Hi! :) Thank you so much! Sure, I'll read yours too.

on Sep. 16 2011 at 9:55 pm
thetruthawaits94 SILVER, Duncan, Oklahoma
9 articles 0 photos 351 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

wow!!! you got in the magazine?!!! total jealousy right here, totally! lol :D I loved the description all the way through this and even in some parts when i didn't understand, it was still completely beautiful. I love the line that says, people with kaleidoscope scales. just the sound of those words together sounds so beautiful! I kind of don't understand the last couple of lines though. i really wish i did!!! Nevertheless, the whole way through my eyes were glued to the page! Would you mind maybe reading some of my works??? I'd love to hear what you have to say....  `"" thumbs up! (and congrats on the print!)

on Mar. 25 2011 at 4:33 pm
OriginalCarbonation GOLD, Naperville, Illinois
11 articles 0 photos 102 comments

Favorite Quote:
dream as if you'll live forever
live as if you'll die tomorrow

i my goodness this is so incredibly well written and sooo meaningful and relatable. the phrasing is so unique but not seems so completly natural. i absolutly love this. i favorite it :)

on Dec. 29 2010 at 9:10 pm
Wolfie16 SILVER, Skokie, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
It's more fun to be weird than to be normal

this is fabulous!

on Dec. 23 2010 at 5:40 pm
HeatherBee BRONZE, I Live In, Texas
1 article 0 photos 1979 comments

Favorite Quote:
Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground, like a skyscraper

Love is louder than the pressure to be perfect

oh my goodness, i totally loved reading this!!! it was very beautifully worded. you are so very talented ^^ AwEsOmE job!!

Duckie430 said...
on Dec. 9 2010 at 12:44 pm
Duckie430, Riverside, Rhode Island
0 articles 0 photos 228 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The secret to life is being who you are and being happy with who you are.”
"Whatever does not kill you only makes you stronger."

i like this!

Flora SILVER said...
on Nov. 15 2010 at 3:32 pm
Flora SILVER, Allen Park, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
Darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good.


Keep writing, it's awesome

on Nov. 3 2010 at 11:59 am
LadyMoon DIAMOND, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
54 articles 0 photos 23 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm so weird I'm normal
-Khalil, a friend

Love it! Really nice and sweet. Love that metaphorical twist. Keep writing, you have real talent!