With Perched Lips | Teen Ink

With Perched Lips

April 19, 2010
By Lashe BRONZE, FORT MEADE, Maryland
Lashe BRONZE, FORT MEADE, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Verse 1 :
you're a play on words and hard to describe. You sneak time past me and I feel so alive. What is this sweet disposition disquied in your eyes? With your lips perching slowly, I'm weakening tensely. Eyes closing rapidly, you've got my attention.

Cut the cord, feeling alive,feeling alive. Tainted in this love like it's the only kind. When I'm not with you I'd rather not be here, for the sky's not as high and nor is it as blue, everything sounds better. When it's surrounded by you.

Verse 2:
Shamelessly taken by your smile you always have caught my eye. Who's to say you were never mine. Anywhere you were, but here. I know what I want but how long can I wait?

Cut the cord, feeling alive,feeling alive. Tainted in this love like it's the only kind. When I'm not with you I'd rather not be here, for the sky's not as high and nor is it as blue, everything sounds better. When it's surrounded by you.

Here I am, still holding on! I made it through the pain for the one-like love, show me that smile, I'll get lost in your eyes. You're as good as it gets, so take me like we're starting our lives. I need this. You need me. Eyes closing rapidly, weakening tensely, perched lips screaming intentions.

Cut the cord, feeling alive,feeling alive. Tainted in this love like it's the only kind. When I'm not with you I'd rather not be here, for the sky's not as high and nor is it as blue, everything sounds better. When it's surrounded by you.

The author's comments:
I love music that has something to it other than a boy losin a girl, or being in love for wrong reasons, I love the art you can create with words.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 12 2010 at 9:21 pm
sparkofheart GOLD, Plymouth, Minnesota
16 articles 2 photos 253 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Always" - Severus Snape

this was really cool :) awesome work!