Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

November 13, 2010
By TorioT4 BRONZE, Rural Hall, North Carolina
TorioT4 BRONZE, Rural Hall, North Carolina
4 articles 4 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
you have two chocies in every situtaion: make it or break it. Choose wisely.
- Me

We used to talk all day and through the night
Now we just sit and stare
No words are spoken, but memories flood our minds
I wonder what could’ve been if we hadn’t torn apart
You’ve moved on but I just can’t

I still remember every minute of everyday
I recall every hug every touch in my dreams
It’s hard to live without you, but I don’t have a choice
I have to move on, but I just can’t stop holding on

Everyday I see you talking to her and it’s like a knife in my heart
I remember when that was me; owning your attention and the pain is almost too great
But I keep moving forward to the day when I can put us behind me

I still remember every minute of everyday
I recall every hug every touch in my dreams
It’s hard to live without you, but I don’t have a choice
I have to move on, but I just can’t stop holding on

Why does love have to hurt so much?
Why can’t the end just be the end?
Why can’t I move on and forget about everything we had?

I still remember every minute of everyday
I recall every hug every touch in my dreams
It’s hard to live without you, but I don’t have a choice
I have to move on, but I just can’t stop holding on

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