Say Goodnight | Teen Ink

Say Goodnight

November 30, 2012
By Anonymous

Hold me close to you
Never letting go
Keep me in your heart
Take me to a place
Where we can be ourselves
Look into my eyes
(Chorus) And say goodnight
Say good night
I’ll see you in the morning
With a bright smile on your face
Say goodnight
Say goodnight
Wake up in the morning
You say that you love me
But where have you gone?
Left a note on the bed
Can’t believe what I read
Sorry I had to go…
I’ll be back tonight
To look in those eye’s
(Chorus) To say goodnight
Say goodnight
I’ll see you in the morning
With a bright smile on your face
Say goodnight…

The author's comments:
This peice is deticated to a special someone....

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