"Old Soul" | Teen Ink

"Old Soul"

August 12, 2013
By Rachel Urbano BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
Rachel Urbano BRONZE, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Black and white, foreign color yet to be discovered intrigues the eye
Color makes everything duller, it just sucks out all the fun
We had them picture shows
That was our date night
Wine by the starlight
Playing records all night

I’m an old soul
Don’t get caught up
In the pettiness of life
I’m an old soul
Listen to rock n roll
From 1955
They say I was born in the wrong time
Cause I don’t fit in with these misfits
Older than my age, just like fine wine
People look at me take a trip back in time
To the good old days
Smokey rooms and corridors
Free love was all the rage
And no one gave a damn like their parents before
Oh Oh
Yeah swing dancing was all they did
Never had to keep an eye on their kids
And my antics were a perfect fit
Everybody could tell you what love is
Duh Duh Duh
Nowadays don’t recognize the world
Full of plastic, fake Barbie doll girls
All the atrocities replace the curiosities
Frowning on the oddities embracing the perfections
Where do I fit in, back with the other old souls

La is the place to be
Soaking up the sun in Cali
New York is old news
Bunch of hotels with landfill views
Sex trade in abandoned avenues
Gun fights in the afternoons



Bleached blonde, with their high heel stilettos
Wearing tight clothes, how do they let go?
Young thangs, so pretty but alone
Big men take them from the get go
Stealing hearts with their cocky little egos
Cruel world everybody’s so damn cutthroat
Remember when they used to stop by and say hello
Don’t give a second glance, people come and they go


The author's comments:
Lyrics to a song I wrote

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