Puppeteer | Teen Ink


January 18, 2019
By shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
shume9117 BRONZE, Rochester, Michigan
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You're braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think- Winnie the Pooh

The strings tied tightly round the porcelain doll.

Let's begin the show called deceitful love--

Held captive by a hoax, triumphing all.

Lurking  in the dark where the controller perched above.

My body bows to the bend of fingers.

Holding me together; Misconception.

The breath of pretense in the air lingers,

Diffusing false resemblance of affection.

The Puppeteer has all mastery.

A string unraveled leaves the body shattered.

On the stage, remains of a tragedy.

Once was flattered now stripped bare and tattered.

Will a careful hand ever reach the ground?

Piecing the doll together. Was she found?

The author's comments:

An extended metaphor of a victim in a manipulative love trance.

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