Coping | Teen Ink


May 27, 2019
By Minze BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
Minze BRONZE, Meridian, Idaho
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Trials will only be a mere moment in the end of it all.

Sat alone after sobbing down

Try to catch my breath; heavy

Yet in a dizzy state of panic I drown

People who don’t experience this I envy

Think, think, think, I stress inside

My eyes stain a rich, puffy red

Alice in Wonderland seen to the side

I breathe deeply; the book’s pages I spread

The young girl, Alice, so without care

I greatly wish I could be her right there

Wishing these feelings none worse than a nightmare

But I open my eyes to see no white hare

No flurry of snow-like fur to be seen,

And not a single adventure with the red queen

The author's comments:

I used to be rather panic-attack prone. I still am a bit, but am much better now. When I would have a breakdown I’d often read. Alice in Wonderland in particular is one of my favorite stories- if not my number one!

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