Expired Tombstone | Teen Ink

Expired Tombstone

May 16, 2023
By IsaacBrown5983 BRONZE, Whiteford, Maryland
IsaacBrown5983 BRONZE, Whiteford, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail."
― Theodore Dreiser

Gods that reap true essence, once so fragile.

Deities close slender cracks of human mind.

Flashes in my optics, time stays agile

to depart a former life, now so blind.


Displays tell ciphers of limited soul.

relatives’ sentry whilst you decompose.

The thief with a heart, your being, it stole.

merely a grave, what remains is a rose.


Rain cascade passes so diligently,

My limestone skeleton fractures with time.

My prior husk, still rests innocently,

A decrepit headstone, far-off my prime


I once did tread on treasured earth, to mourn,

Places damned by my own, now land of scorn.

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