Ode to the Clouds | Teen Ink

Ode to the Clouds

May 5, 2024
By gracebakke BRONZE, Bayport, Minnesota
gracebakke BRONZE, Bayport, Minnesota
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Oh, angelic clouds-

Your beauty is beyond measure 

I savor your sweet taste of cotton candy type pleasure 

Oh, angelic clouds-

your countless colors so soft and so bright 

Just looking at you feels as though I’m in 

~ H e a v e n ~


Oh, angelic clouds-

Your depth gives hope 

Petrichor peace 

Portions of your anger roll and strike 

I feel your touch 

With the fall of drops 

A rhythm of peace

A sound from

~ H e a v e n ~



Even within darkness you are marvelous 

Giving land a beautiful bloom 

Glazing the earth with splendid snow 

Invariably giving reminders of beauty 




Oh, angelic clouds-

On days that are filled with ravens 

And stomachs drop

You open up and shine your mystical beams of light 

Your beauty adds to the purpose of life 


Each cloud 


Yet beautiful in site 

Oh, angelic clouds-

~ H e a v e n ~

Is what you are 

Angelic clouds-

You have my heart. 

The author's comments:

I’ve always been so fascinated by clouds! They hold so much beauty and have many purposes within our life, and I think showing a glimpse of Heaven is one of their purposes :) 

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