Heart-Broken Flurries | Teen Ink

Heart-Broken Flurries

July 30, 2011
By breatheinOctober GOLD, Ethel, Louisiana
breatheinOctober GOLD, Ethel, Louisiana
12 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Art is the essence of love, love is the essence of art.
I'd rather have a thousand regrets because I thought with my heart than play it safe and think with my mind, never knowing what was out there.
The world has a voice. You just have to give it permission to speak

My veins are burning
My heart just stopped
My blood has dried
Every life-filled drop

My breathing is rough
The air rushes in
Just to be spit out
And do it again

My mind is screaming
My lips don't move
What exactley
Were you trying to prove?

I don't understand
Yet, I've seen it before
I can't find the windows
There are no open doors

I knew this would happen
I fought off all the worries
Now, tears pour down
In heart-broken flurries

My skin is cold
My eyes iced over
My rage splits apart
Like a four-leafed clover

All my memories
Will be thrown on the shelf
There is no one to blame
No one but myself

I saw this coming
I knew it would be
There's just no way
you could ever love me

And so it ends
This fairytail
I tried so hard
And still I failed

Please, prove me wrong
My mind still scurries
For the rest of the pieces
Of my heart-broken flurries

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