"Trust Me Please" | Teen Ink

"Trust Me Please"

May 11, 2012
By herrrdthat BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
herrrdthat BRONZE, Lawrence, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Hello, my love. For what is your reason-
To have the feeling that you trust me not?
I have not committed any treason!
This is just the start, so give trust a shot.
But, my love, you don’t want me to go there,
To go do that, or to go talk to them.
There really is no reason to have fear
Our relationship will be quite the gem.

Oh my love, why are you being this way?
I know you want to avoid being hurt.
Did a person hurt you, back in the day?
You may not trust me, but I will not flirt.
We will take this step-by-step, day-by-day,
So my love, let me know, what do you say?

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