Golfers Life | Teen Ink

Golfers Life

January 8, 2013
By sethmcgann3 BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
sethmcgann3 BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Golf is such a great game that you can play.
I have been playing my entire life;
I try to go out and play every day.
It gives me so much frustration and strife.

I am not very good at this sweet sport,
I hit the ball left, I hit the ball right.
I normally hit the ball super short,
I’m lucky if the ball gets a good flight.

Although I struggle, I’m getting better;
My golf score drops every time I go out.
I hope one day I receive a letter
from a college. Thats what I’m talking ‘bout

Oh my, oh my, I got a hole in one!
I never thought golf would be this much fun!

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This article has 1 comment.

sethbo78 said...
on Jan. 14 2013 at 8:15 am
Great Sonnet. Truly a work of art