If only you'd say yes. | Teen Ink

If only you'd say yes.

February 28, 2013
By GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
GhostJay55 SILVER, Neptune Township, New Jersey
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You want to know how i feel,
but I'm in fear of what you would say.
Telling you plainly "i love you",
Is not enough to make you stay

So the reasons that i love you...
is it your smile? Is it your laugh?
is it the fact that i can tell you anything,
and know that you'll always have my back?

Is it because you're like one of the guys?
Never afraid to make fun of us back.
But still showing that you are a lady
that is gentle and with feelings intact.

Just the feeling of seeing you next to me,
is enough to make my heart race.
It would stop at the sound of your voice,
but wont settle for less than first place.

You tell me that you aren't perfect,
and i tell you that nobody is.
But if i had the chance to change that,
There is nothing that i need to fix.

Now you know how you make me feel,
and i hope that i do not regret this...
but you and i could be perfect together,
if only you would say yes.

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