Symmetry | Teen Ink


March 26, 2013
By Jasmine Russell-Yeh BRONZE, Lloyd Harbor, New York
Jasmine Russell-Yeh BRONZE, Lloyd Harbor, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Let me not out because I fear the sky.
Not dawn when breaks, but bright when slips to dark.
The lamp’s false beam protects from Night’s harsh cry,
A warning, it will steal my fleeting spark.
Do not succumb to Night, my soul, I plead
As eve comes still a’ hurtling at my door.
For cyclic, it arrives as God decreed.
And shall I not exist forever more?
“But why to weep?” I hear one cry aloud,
“For Darkness shall not be the end to Light,
For Light exists as it will always vow,
The morning hours live on the same as Night.”
He guides me out the door at Night to see
The Lights and Darks thus dance in symmetry.

The author's comments:
This sonnet was originally inspired by the Tralfamadorians of Slaughterhouse-Five. My sonnet is about a girl whose fear of death is so crippling that she cannot live her life for she feels that its existence is merely an illusion. She views death as something inevitable and sees life as purposeless because of that. But a friend shows her that all moments of life will exist forever, and that life and death go hand in hand so it seems silly to hide away for the rest of her life.

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