The Searching Sons of the Lost | Teen Ink

The Searching Sons of the Lost

April 17, 2013
By Emily_Anne BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
Emily_Anne BRONZE, Memphis, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You walked away from burnt offerings
You threw away the sacred, inherited key
All you could see is division religion brings
Now your children can't unlock eternity
You saw your parents divide over course
Overboard you flung the map in foolish youth
In non-belief you jumped —no remorse
You left them a lost ship searching for truth
Now the crash cymbal is the bell that tolls
Their only churches are clubs and concert halls
Did you hide all truth from their searching souls
Or is there hope to rebuild temple walls?
No. When from the alter you walked away
You sacrificed your children that day

The author's comments:
This was inspired by my best friend Cokie had a strong spiritual life until she gave up fighting about it with her atheist father who turned away from God because of religion.

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