You Lied | Teen Ink

You Lied

April 19, 2013
By SweetTweet SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
SweetTweet SILVER, Wichita Falls, Texas
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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“I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.” - Edgar Allan Poe

You looked me in the eyes,
and you said, "Don't worry,
I would never feed you lies."
That's just the beginning of the story.
You grabbed me by the arm,
and had me take a seat.
You said, "I'll never cause you any harm.
Most importantly, I'll never cheat."
Which is worse, I was so quick to believe?
Or so easy to hurt?
Was the truth really so hard to conceive?
Or had your emotions become ragwort?
Now I'm closer to walking off the edge.
Will someone come get me off this ledge?

The author's comments:
First sonnet...

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