The Lost Brother | Teen Ink

The Lost Brother

June 28, 2013
By NathanK BRONZE, Markham, Other
NathanK BRONZE, Markham, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
My ideas usually come not at my desk writing but in the midst of living.

Shipwrecked en route to a far off land,
We were lost among the rough waves of fear.
Separated near the shore of Ireland,
My last sight of thee was not very clear.

Not knowth how thee fare troubles me much.
Was thee drowned in the sea or saved like me?
I long for thy health, and thy gentle touch.
Oh, what would I give to learn about thee?

Yet my time is short, I can't wait much more.
Alive I am, but confined to my bed,
As if death is nigh, knocking on my door.
How can I find thee if I'll soon be dead?

A journey in life is constrained by time,
But in great Heaven, time is always prime.

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