Musics What I Am! | Teen Ink

Musics What I Am!

July 23, 2013
By DRaine BRONZE, Williamsort, Pennsylvania
DRaine BRONZE, Williamsort, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Music is my life. The Lyrics are my story!

No matter what I do musics for me,
I love to hear me sing or dance so true,
Music equal life like seeds equal trees,
When all else fails me music helps me through,

I've been failed many times but still prevail,
Music was there for me when they were not,
From crashed waves then to the first boat to sail,
I stand there in the smallness among the burnt,

I play to forget my drama not friends,
I sing to say and act out emotion,
I am a garden which musics to tend,
I hope one day I'll have the devotion,

To hear to see to be to love to know,
Musics staying forever it won't go.

The author's comments:
This Sonnet Is About My Life. Music! <3

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