Evolved | Teen Ink


August 25, 2013
By MarlenaBen BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
MarlenaBen BRONZE, Lakewood, Colorado
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When life came softly in biting winter snow,
The man and crow were free to chase and hunt.
They smoothly fought and caught with wooden bow
‘Till awestruck sunrise breathed the shadows blunt.

It was a pleasant time to live and eat
For hearty grain and berries fast to grow
and sturdy hefty bears gave freely meat,
‘Till hungry children’s bellies did happily glow.

Such an easy and happy time was this,
Back when the earth was full and men were light.
But contented times have changed with sour gist
and all mankind now has no selfless lent.

The past brave man who discharged death and neediness
now harassed with fat indulgence and idleness.

The author's comments:
I have been reflecting on all that our society holds dear and have discovered that at the top of that list is food. Our love of the taste of food has obstructed our body's basic needs and has transformed our health for the worse. I wrote this poem to gently remind people that before civilization, men ate for necessity. We should rely on food for nutrition and for our basic needs, and refrain from worshiping food like we do today.

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