Falling Into Autumn | Teen Ink

Falling Into Autumn

October 9, 2013
By Kate Coyle BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
Kate Coyle BRONZE, Cascade, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the school year starts,
Students are forced to use their smarts.
The school year is in full swing,
As the birds continue to chirp and sing,
But as September ends,
Leaves begin to color and bend.
While the summer sun fades,
The farmer’s market accomplishes vegetable trades.
The crunchy leaves begin to fall,
As the scarecrow stands so tall.
Halloween is right around the way,
Boo! is a frequent say.
Carving pumpkins is a common event,
Pumpkin and spices is the strong scent.
Thanksgiving arrives just in time,
Giving thanks is the prime.
Spending time with family is always a treat,
And with each other, we eat.
The ultimate dessert is pumpkin pie,
We scarf it down as we say goodbye.
Now, there is a chill in the air,
The snow begins to fall, as all stare.
Autumn season has officially ended,
And boy oh boy was it splendid.

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