Beauty in the Mirror | Teen Ink

Beauty in the Mirror

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

Look in the mirror
And what do you see
A face that lacks cheer
Unwilling to be
A heart full of ache
A mind full of fear
You dont want to wake
And you hold back your tear
For everyone is beautiful
Only you know the truth
That everyone is brutal
Especially the youth
Stand up and smile
Cause you can handle this trial

The author's comments:
Society today is ugly, causing teens to go to extreme measures to achieve the high standards that now define beauty. Girls wake up every day dreading to look in the mirror, or step on the scale, because of hate from other teens. But I believe everyone should believe they're beautiful, because they are, and ignore the brutality of others. Because everyone is strong enough to be happy with who they are.

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