Winter | Teen Ink


January 7, 2014
By Tessa Coville BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
Tessa Coville BRONZE, Port Angeles, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All dawn, all day, in dazzled, falling flight,
Drop the wild-whirling, hazy, turbulent snow,
Till each one landmark of the ground below,
Shrub, farmland, roads, and each familiar sight
Were concealed by the astonishing white.
And winds, now piercing loud, now bemoaning low,
Seemed discouragement for the world-old woe
That loss must swallow life, and blackness light.
But all to quick the grieve was blown away,
The cold storm settle ended in a sigh;
Then like a torch the waning moon on high
Jumped term a midst the planets; real as they,
Earth play in brightness with the Milky Way
Herself a star buried the starry sky.

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