Happiness Sonnet | Teen Ink

Happiness Sonnet

February 28, 2014
By C_Sharp BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
C_Sharp BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Happiness is like a fresh clementine,

The taste so sweet and color oh so bright.

It’s like the warm embrace of the sunshine,

It’s like the lovely hug that feels so right.

It’s the small things that make this feeling grow:

Like the refreshing smell of mountain air.

In the dark the fireflies come and go,

Their captivating glare; you sit and stare.

The ending chapter of your favorite book.

The satisfaction of a tasty snack.

To be alone and feel God by the brook,

Knowing that He fills the spots where you lack.

In the end, it’s about sweet company,

And feeling like you never want to flee.

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