The Value of War | Teen Ink

The Value of War

March 4, 2014
By EvanVars BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
EvanVars BRONZE, Knoxville, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I was only wrong once, and that is when I thought I was wrong but I was right."

Once marching in the dark you’d hear them come
Once marching to the beat of Liberty
A metronome created by the drum
That once matched the heartbeat of you and me.
They’re tortured by a never ending thought
Of the impending battle with their foe
Valiantly they stood there and they fought
But yet their names the world will never know.
Their lives were given for a futile hope.
Blood was spilled for fruitless aspiration.
For years has been what history has wrote
Peace can’t be obtained without salvation.
Tis well that war be so bad and hated,
Lest we come fond of what we created.

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