Life's Course | Teen Ink

Life's Course

March 16, 2014
By Martin Salce BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Martin Salce BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life has good and bad experiences.

Life is not simple; it is just abstract.

All life is different in appearance.

Although you may protest, it is the fact.

They think they must have money to be glad!

With or without it; people have trouble.

Is it not better to be glad than sad?

He gave life to you; your life is humble.

You can not choose whether you’re rich or poor;

But you carve the road you take in your life.

True beauty only comes from the heart’s core.

Life’s done when the heart is stabbed by a knife.

Life is complex and unplanned like any source.

Nothing could beat the beauty of life’s course.

The author's comments:
Everything in this world experiences life's course. Life is given and life is taken.

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