Owed Dreams | Teen Ink

Owed Dreams

March 31, 2014
By Anonymous

An ode to you is what I owe my dear
Written with love that I have never known
For what it is, it never is so clear
But still, I give it to always be shown

It is you I have always ever seen
The spark always shining ever so bright
With love that never could have truly been
I shall go to bed and turn off the light

With my delusions always running wild
I always have this constant lurking fright
Although at first it seems so very mild
It’s disturbing that you are out of sight

And all that I can give is just my theme
That which love will always be just a dream

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 5 2014 at 7:33 pm
angelpeach23 SILVER, Flagstaff, Arizona
5 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I think it's fairly common for writers to be afflicted with two simultaneous yet contradictory delusions- the burning certainty that we're unique geniuses and the constant fear that we're witless frauds who are speeding toward epic failure." -Lynch

All I can think when reading this poem is how "dainty" it is. It's like a beautiful feather I just want to tuck into my pocket. Good work! (: