Drifting | Teen Ink


April 7, 2014
By chynalbrown BRONZE, San Diego, California
chynalbrown BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I sat there just thinking and I can feel our paths drifting apart,
just that thought causes me emotional pain,
feels as if someone is trying to play the harp but with the string of my heart,
all these emotions I've been trying to constrain,

we aren't as close as we use to be,
I'm beginning to question if you even notice or care,
maybe you haven't said anything because you don't know how, like me
our attempt to remain together somehow vanished in the air,

what if you opened my heart to see that it was filled with letters of your name,
but if I opened yours only to see it full of letters of another,
the fault of our departure is of no one to blame,
if we're not meant to be then we can wish the best for each other,

glad that I've told you all this now,
I've been holding all this in as if my words were stuck in a stray jacket that couldn't break free, and for that i deserve to take a bow.

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