Forever | Teen Ink


April 23, 2014
By HolyCh_c BRONZE, Houston, Texas
HolyCh_c BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hold my hand, don’t be scared, I’m here with you
Your my friend ‘til the end, sickness or not
You’ll survive, you’ll be fine; God knows this too
We’ve been through too much just to fall apart
You may be weak but I will be your strength
The pain you’re feeling brings tears to my eyes
This cancer don’t know what it’s up against
This is not the day to say our goodbyes
Sister don’t go, God please don’t take her now
Stay here with me, without you I’ll cry
Nonstop until you are brought back somehow
I’ll remember your birthday in July
We are forever even when you’re gone
Not even death could not break our bond

The author's comments:
My poem is about a girl who's losing her best friend to cancer and she's trying to cope with the fact that her best friend is dying.

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