The Color Of Music | Teen Ink

The Color Of Music

May 28, 2014
By Kirsten.Wiandt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Kirsten.Wiandt BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People say they love my colorful flag,
For they pay attention to our silks, not our poles
I mean, guard is the best, I don't mean to brag
But the band just lolls
When we toss our flags up in the air,
The band cringes in fear of being hit
Sometimes this is true, but not fair
For when we catch, the audience's eyes are lit
We continue unfazed as we spin
As the audience keeps their eyes on our formation
With hopes that we will win
we keep up our rotation
Some people say I do guard just for the skill,
But to me, it's all about the thrill.

The author's comments:
I am in Lakota West Color guard and we work very hard to learn every spin we do. A lot of people don't even know what a color guard is and showing how much fun it was through my poem made me want to write it. Color guard is my life and I am absolutely in love with it.

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