In The Deep | Teen Ink

In The Deep

May 27, 2014
By chezney BRONZE, Willow Springs, North Carolina
chezney BRONZE, Willow Springs, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The water ripples slow and smooth
The colors show some greens and blues
Inside the tall mountain walls soothes
The mistress lies alone and woos
For her love went into the green
To wake the monster out of sleep
The boy was full of hopes and dreams
Because he thought he could go deep
Into the blue water and sneak
A look into the lair of heat
The swim was long but he must peek
Once he got inside he was beat
And lots of feet above the cave
The mistress sits and watches waves

The author's comments:
I wasn't really sure how good this was going to turn out, or honestly if it was the right way to write a sonnet. But the day my teacher told me that I had written one of the best in our class was the day that really inspired and encouraged me to keep writing. His opinion means a lot to me, so hearing that was awesome!

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