I See You in the Stars | Teen Ink

I See You in the Stars

October 3, 2014
By Cecilia Wood BRONZE, Hoover, Alabama
Cecilia Wood BRONZE, Hoover, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Turning to the sky, I look for your star.

You told me love like ours would never die,
But here I am, alone in the cold night
Miles away from wherever you now are.
If I had known then that you’d go so far
Would I have let you be my only light?
Would I have loved, knowing you’d lose the fight?
I never knew your love would leave a scar.
But I believe our love was worth the pain,
And if I had the chance to see our fate
I think I still would choose to be with you.
And everything I’ve lost was worth love’s gain.
The light is going down as it gets late
But in the night’s darkness, your star shines through.

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