Butterfly | Teen Ink


December 1, 2014
By ShelbyMalowney BRONZE, San Diego, California
ShelbyMalowney BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I gave my heart to you my butterfly
Your beautiful wings with colors of blue
We soared and flittered across the sky
We stick together like paper and glue
Our hearts cannot bare to be far apart
The sands of time drip slowly into bliss
My passion burns deep throughout my heart
I long for you and my true love’s sweet kiss
Like the crash of a wave onto the beach
When I look at you my heart skips a beat
Your lips are as sweet as a juicy peach
You compliment me and my smell of sweet
Your hands disappear when I think  they won’t
And suddenly I am left all alone

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