Goodbye | Teen Ink


November 28, 2014
By Penprice BRONZE, Leominster, Massachusetts
Penprice BRONZE, Leominster, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The struggle is real."

Goodbye was that one ting I never thought we'd say

Goodbye was that dumb fight late night last Saturday

Goodbye was the word that literallly tore me apart

Goodbye was the nightmare I had from the start

Goodbye was the death of the jokes only we know

Goodbye was the realization that I had to let go

Goodbye was a long trip into my own personal hell

Goodbye was pain that I learned all to well

Goodbye was the birth of all the longing inside

Goodbye was learning different way sto hide

Goodbye was and still is goodbye

The author's comments:

I never have to say goodbye to people but when I do, it takes all the energy I have to keep myself together.

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