Washington Crossing the Delaware | Teen Ink

Washington Crossing the Delaware

December 9, 2014
By William Guerriero BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
William Guerriero BRONZE, Jonesboro, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Eleven men with a fleet and a sword.
Frozen in time, a golden picture frame.
Pulling with all their might on four oars.
Not knowing that they were a part of fame.
All men perfectly placed atop a craft.
Never fearing what may lie upon shore.
Standing alongside men never looking aft.
Always looking for what lies next in store.
Trekking through icy Delaware waters.
With every soldier working as a team.
All of them thinking of sons and daughters.
All working to accomplish a big dream.
These brave men who fought for our country.
They fought so bravely and so humbly.

The author's comments:

I always loved the painting of washington crossing the delaware.

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