Too Close | Teen Ink

Too Close

January 3, 2015
By nearlight BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
nearlight BRONZE, Tenafly, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Icarus, son of Daedalus, reached high
Near the precarious rays of bright Sun,
With wings of wax and feather made to fly.
He aimed too high, however, and was done;
She had melted his wings and his hopes.
Into the water he fell and met his doom,
Death befell upon him like a quick rope.
Ecstatic was he to fly, but made no room
For the admonishment Daedalus gave.
Excited I was in my love for you,
I transitioned into a state so grave;
Foolishly I let myself hurt from you.
In a love so painfully addicting,
I, so vulnerable, came crashing.

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